Endless possibilities

focused action


Our Story

Trading Idea Exchange exists to provide a place for retail traders to express and exchange ideas. A place where problems can be discussed and possible solutions can be found. 



Imagine this: A place where hundreds, maybe even thousands come together to learn to trade from  Professional level traders, researchers, Technical Analysts,  etc., all working together to help others for FREE. Some may have their own paid YouTube channel, but on the Trading Idea Exchange discord, they come and teach, so that you can learn from someone with experience!

Trading Idea Exchange exists to provide that FREE platform for those that believe in a higher power of good. Where we all come together and learn more about trading the US Stock market. We intend to provide a place where anyone with a professional skill set and are successful traders already, can come and teach others that want to learn. Our platform grants those wanting to teach, a more secure resource to help more people at once. One platform, one Family, all helping each other grow their skills. 

No one can know everything, we are not artificial intelligent computers. Together we can store and use far more information than alone. Together, we have endless possibilities with the ability to have focused but separate actions. 




Q: How can this be free?

A: There is a value exchange, it’s just not monetary. Students learn and become teachers themselves. We often learn best by teaching others. That flow of information from one to another is what acts as payment. 

Q: Can I learn from someone in a 1-on-1 or group setting?

A: The short answer is “Yes.” It does fall outside the original intent of TIE, though it is possible. Requesting private 1-on-1 lessons may have a cost. Some may do it out of kindness, other do it as a mean to feed their family. Either way, be prepared when asking an individual member for private assistance. 


Apex Trader Funding

Several of our family members have taking their trading to the next level, with Apex Trader Funding.


After all the issues with trading the standard market and the MEME Stock issues, some of the family decided to move on. They have done that with Apex Trader Funding. There unique business model has afforded them the ability to use someone else’s money to start to recover the money they lost in the traditional markets.

Through the Simulation process, family members have and are learning to become better traders. Once they have proven themselves in the simulator, the next step is the Evaluation process.

Those that have completed the evaluation process and moved on the next level are now making real money!

Be Blessed and good luck.

If you would like to learn more, just click on the banner below. If you would like to join a study group, reach out to us on Twitter and will see about getting you added to the next study group.

Click this link, to receive a 50% discount!




Access to the TIE discord is invite only. From time-to-time the discord will be open and accepting new enrollment. That status can be found below. Be ready to answer simple security questions to gain access. Regular security audits are also done, that you MUST respond to, if you want to stay in the discord.

Discord CLOSED






Many people working together to provide a family like atmosphere for everyone to learn and share ideas. 

Who We Are

We are just men and women with a love of God, looking to better ourselves by connecting with others. 

Who are we? We are, Trading Idea Exchange.



If you have the ability, please consider helping Veterans by donating to VetTix.org.


Tickets for Military and Veterans